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Ämne: 090f HD help plssssssss on pm


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  1. #1

    090f HD help plssssssss on pm

    hi guys i wnat some help to extrect the ekpair & hwkeys from the dump file of box
    i have do it all the right staff & i get the dump file with 268mb from the orginal box
    so the question is i follwing the guides on the net is not help
    i all ways get the same keys on guide like a / 00100000 02 1a 03 00 25 10 43 00 02 2e 05 00 25 10 45 00
    if this is a fast keys for the samsung h670n or i doning somthing wrong
    2 questions the tag with the no 30 00 01 or 30 00 00 01 keys is from 2 boxs & 2 dumps is the ssame..
    why ?

    & haw we can extrect thos keys from the dumps file with witch pro i can use i try hex editar & IDA pro ...with IDA pro i cant open the bin file i dont no why ?
    so please helppppppppp from the experts

  2. #2
    Nov 2006
    1 gånger
    hmmm que ?

  3. #3
    ComHit Crew deass avatar
    Mar 2003
    5 749
    88 gånger
    The keys are never in the same place. It depends on what fw the box is running and more. So looking for a specific line in the dump wont help you.
    Alla frågor/problem som ni har angående servern kan ni ställa till mig via pm. Övriga frågor ska ställas i forumet under respektive avdelning.

  4. #4
    thanxxxxx Deas for answering me & i want to ask u if we can talking on PM massages if u want that ?

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