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Ämne: Stream from PC to DM800


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  1. #1

    Stream from PC to DM800

    Hi all,

    Im sure there is lots of threads about how to do this ? and I can stream to my DM500 ......

    PC has Win 7 and the box Dm800 has a Pli image.

    So really Im looking for a quide I read certain versions of VLC do not wok.

    Please feel free to answer in Swedish.

    Thanks in advance.


  2. #2
    Seniormedlem Jicaralas avatar
    Dec 2010
    24 gånger
    Citat Ursprungligen postat av spacecake Visa inlägg
    Hi all,

    Im sure there is lots of threads about how to do this ? and I can stream to my DM500 ......

    PC has Win 7 and the box Dm800 has a Pli image.

    So really Im looking for a quide I read certain versions of VLC do not wok.

    Please feel free to answer in Swedish.

    Thanks in advance.

    Vad är det du vill streama?
    Om du kör Windows så kan du dela ut en mapp som du mountar i boxen med cifs. Sen kan du spela upp flera filmformat (dock inte alla) i den mappen på din box.

    1. Skapa en tom mapp på boxen under /media/ som du döper till t.ex. "dreambox".
    2. Välj valfri mapp i Windows och dela ut som t.ex. "dreambox".
    3. Editera (lägg till ny rad i) /etc/fstab-filen med rätt information (raden nedan):

    // /media/dreambox cifs user=Användarnamn,password=Lösenord 0 0 = Ändra till IP-adressen till Windowsmaskinen där den utdelade mappen finns.
    dreambox (efter IP) = Namnet som den utdelade mappen fick.
    dreambox (efter /media/) = Namnet som mappen på boxen fick.
    Användarnamn och Lösenord ska vara från Windows-kontot där utdelningen gjordes.

    4. Starta om boxen med fjärrkontrollen (reboot/starta om).
    5. Välj att den mappen på boxen skall användas som inspelningssökväg i Dreamboxens inställningar.
    6. Ta ev. bort alla andra bokmärken.

    Tryck på VIDEO/PVR på din fjärrkontroll för att lista och spela upp filerna i den utdelade mappen.

  3. #3
    Hi there,

    You are the man with the Answer

    Sorry not reply yesterday ........Was working in 10 mins Only thing not get MPEG 4 but must be client You think better to Mount then Stream with VLC ?

    Thanks O Wise one


  4. #4
    Hi there,

    You are the man with the Answer

    Sorry not reply yesterday ........Was working in 10 mins Only thing not get MPEG 4 but must be client. You think better to Mount then Stream with VLC ?

    Thanks O Wise one


  5. #5
    Seniormedlem Jicaralas avatar
    Dec 2010
    24 gånger
    Citat Ursprungligen postat av spacecake Visa inlägg
    Hi there,

    You are the man with the Answer

    Sorry not reply yesterday ........Was working in 10 mins Only thing not get MPEG 4 but must be client. You think better to Mount then Stream with VLC ?

    Thanks O Wise one

    Om du tänker på XviD/DivX så stödjer inte DM800 det.

    Du kan dock transcoda om din film i PC:n "on-the-fly" till din box med VLC som du nämner och då använda VLC plugin i DreamBox:en.
    Jag vet inte själv hur man gör då jag aldrig haft behovet, men det här är saxat från ett annat forum:



    Did a bit of digging around trying to get DM800 to play divx and finally got it working, so I'll briefly include what I did for people that might be interested. Not sure if it will work on other boxes or if anyone else wrote up one up. So here it is:

    1. Install latest VLC Player - with full instead of standard or custom settings.

    2. Upon completion, go to your desktop icon click right button and go to propreties.

    In Target field it should say something like this "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" so go to the end of the line and add following text: --intf wxwin --extraintf=http

    So the complete line looks like: "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --intf wxwin --extraintf=http

    3. Run your VLC and minimize it

    4. Now go to your box, press GREEN button to get into plug in menu and click on VLC plug in.

    5. Creating a server by clicking GREEN buttons, or edit current with YELLOW buttons, and these are the options I had:

    Server Name: Wotever
    Enter VLC-Server as FQDN or IP-Address: IP-ADDRESS
    Server Address: put in ur address
    HTTP Port: 08080 (Default)
    Movie Directory: f:/ (this is on my network drive, yours might be different, e.g. c:,d:, wotever).
    DVD Device: didn't worry about
    Transcode MPEG/DVD Video: YES
    Video Codec: MPEG2
    Video Bitrate: 2000 is default, play around with it untill ur happy with the resolution.
    Video Resolution: Same deal, adjust untill you like the result

    Everything else can stay default, only audio I've change to mp3 and that was it.

    6. Once server is set up, press GREEN button to confirm the changes.

    7. Click on the server, and you should be in directory specified, choose a movie and play it.
    Senast redigerad av Jicarala den 2014-02-04 klockan 18:34.

  6. #6
    Man Your solution much better mount its the MediaPlayer On DB so just get latest MoviePlayer

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