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Ämne: I have a big problem

  1. #1

    I have a big problem

    Hi guys please help me here:

    you know that PPV 1000 and + are röd ruta

    ok but know when I am using my remote control to insert the new codes, the system show a red popup alert with the follow text:

    you can only use the menu 3 times after 24 hours.

    so I cannot insert all the codes

    is the first time I see this

    I have a sagem like everybody

    what can I do ?


    I think they have a new system so we cannot insert th new codes using remote control

  2. #2
    Ja, du mannen!!

    Wait for 24h. Then test the R-trick. :P

    Ask a friend to translate the guide that is to find at this forum. :lol:

  3. #3
    R tryk what is r tryk or where can I find info about this


  4. #4
    Stand on the channel you want to encode.

    Press the code. Press OK!
    When you are asked to verify the code, Press the code again.
    NOW. Press OK and directly after that press R.

    Go on with the rest of the codes just as you did with the first one.

    When you´re done you got a live screen. :P

    It´s an upgrade in the Sagem-box that makes this effort.

    A Funcard with Slipstream will do the trick. You won´t need the R-trick.

    Hope you understand. :P

  5. #5
    thanks I understand

    the only problem:

    I will need to wait 24 hours

    but thanks

  6. #6
    ComHit Crew
    Nov 2002
    3 219
    14 gånger
    Try to pull out the cable and leave it for like 30 minutes or something, so the clock don't work....

    I don't know if this works, but you can try.

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