
Visa fullständig version : Fahrenheit 9 / 11

2005-02-15, 22:15
Tjena kollade nyss en film som jag kan rekomendera Fahrenheit 911.

Jenkarna eller Bush " vilken jävla idiot "

2005-02-16, 08:31
Rekommenderar även Fahrenhype 9/11

2005-02-17, 03:52

Jo jag tycker den var riktigt bra..

Rekommenderar även Fahrenhype 9/11

har inte sett den, men har läst endel om den...


Pity it wasn't serious work...

Just watched this, full of anxiety to see if things "are not as they were presented by Moore" or not.

Instead , i see a bunch of people talking, no proof, and more Moore-bashing ,than Bush-supporting (which should make you think).

I've read some of the "lies" on the internet about Moore's film, and i've read tha facts on Moore's site. And honestly, Moore provides far more support and credibility to his words. Just go check it out.

Also , what bothers me a lot, is that people are missing the point. In many levels. The point I got from Moore's film was that it is highly probable that powerful men are constructing bigger lies than what i though ! The point wasn't if, the damn plane full of Saudis left on 14th or 13th !

Also,I didn't perceive ANY disrespect towards soldiers from Moore's film, like this film attempts to convince. The disrespect was towards the people who sent the young men to such wars.

I'm not republican and i'm not democrat. I'm a person who thinks and filters what he hears.

Its not easy to know what really happened and what not. But for sure, a government that has upset the whole globe, cannot be believed just because "there' republicans". And neither can the media controlled by them.

Just keep an open mind, read all you can, THEN form an opinion.

2005-02-17, 07:42
Så klart det är frågetecken kring vissa saker i Fahrenhype 9/11, men de framför också fakta på att Moore har tagit vissa klipp helt ur sin context, alltså ljugit! Jag gillar Moore och hans tv-show och filmer, men att säga allt är sanning det han säger är väl att ta i, tycker jag. Så jag rekommenderar Fahrehype 9/11 också bara för att balansera lite och få saker och ting från annat perspektiv också.

2005-02-17, 09:35
Jag tycker den är ganksa bra men gillar inte Moore tycker jag kan bli ganska tjatig.