
Visa fullständig version : Skapa rätt ordning i kanallistan för Canal Digital i MythTv

2013-06-25, 15:36
Har skapat ett SQL-skript som jag tror fixar rätt ordning i kanallistan för Canal digital.
Som xmltv-källa använder jag TvZon, vilket jag konfigurerar i backend (jag väljer endast TvZon, jag gör inte en fullständig konfiguration). En annan förutsättning att jag har genomfört kanalsökning.

För CanalDigital använder jag följande konf för xmltv. (Observera att filens path och även filnamn är annorlunda jämfört med när man kör tv_grab_se_tvzon --configure)

vi /home/mythtv/.mythtv/TvZon.xmltv

Med följande innehåll:


Sätt rätt användarnamn och grupp

chown mythtv:mythtv /home/mythtv/.mythtv/TvZon.xmltv

Därefter kör jag följande sql-frågor i phpmyadmin på databasen mythconverg. Kör på egen risk. Har ställt in så att Canal Digital familjepaket fungerar.

UPDATE channel SET `channum`= `chanid` WHERE convert( `channum` , signed ) <200;
UPDATE channel SET `visible`= 0 ;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'svt1hd.svt.se', channum = '1', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-2', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'SVT1 HD' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'svt2hd.svt.se', channum = '2', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-2', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'SVT2 HD' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'hd.tv3.se', channum = '3', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'TV3 HD (S)' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'hd.tv4.se', channum = '4', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'TV4 HD' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'hd.kanal5.se', channum = '5', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'Kanal 5 HD (S)' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
;UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'news.tv4.se', channum = '6', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'TV4 News' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'sjuan.se', channum = '7', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'Sjuan' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'tv8.se', channum = '8', useonairguide ='1', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'TV8' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'kanal9.se', channum = '9', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'Kanal 9' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'svtb-svt24.svt.se', channum = '10', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-2', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'SVTB/SVT24' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'tv11.sbstv.se', channum = '11', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'TV11' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'sport.tv4.se', channum = '12', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'TV4 Sport' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'kunskapskanalen.svt.se', channum = '13', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-2', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'Kunskapskanalen' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'fakta.tv4.se', channum = '14', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'TV4 Fakta' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'discoverychannel.se', channum = '15', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'Discovery (S)' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'tlcsverige.se', channum = '16', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'TLC Sverige' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'comedycentral.tv', channum = '17', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'Comedy Central' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'film.tv4.se', channum = '18', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'TV4 Film' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'guld.tv4.se', channum = '19', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'TV4 Guld' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'firsthd.cmore.se', channum = '20', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='0' WHERE name = 'C More First HD' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'serieshd.cmore.se', channum = '21', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='0' WHERE name = 'C More Series HD' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'hitshd.cmore.se', channum = '22', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='0' WHERE name = 'C More Hits HD' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'hits.cmore.se', channum = '23', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='0' WHERE name = 'C More Hits' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'action.cmore.se', channum = '24', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='0' WHERE name = 'C More Action' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'emotion.cmore.se', channum = '25', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='0' WHERE name = 'C More Emotion' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'kids.cmore.se', channum = '26', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='0' WHERE name = 'C More Kids' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'sf-kanalen.cmore.se', channum = '27', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='0' WHERE name = 'SF Kanalen' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'sporthd.cmore.se', channum = '28', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='0' WHERE name = 'C More Sport HD' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'tennis.cmore.se', channum = '29', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='0' WHERE name = 'C More Tennis' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'extreme.cmore.se', channum = '30', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='0' WHERE name = 'C More Extreme' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'fotboll.cmore.se', channum = '31', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='0' WHERE name = 'C More Fotboll' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'hockey.cmore.se', channum = '32', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='0' WHERE name = 'C More Hockey' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'livehd.cmore.se', channum = '33', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='0' WHERE name = 'C More Live HD' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'live.cmore.se', channum = '34', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='0' WHERE name = 'C More Live' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'live2.cmore.se', channum = '35', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='0' WHERE name = 'C More Live 2' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'live3.cmore.se', channum = '36', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='0' WHERE name = 'C More Live 3' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'live4.cmore.se', channum = '37', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='0' WHERE name = 'C More Live 4' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'bbchd.com', channum = '40', useonairguide ='1', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'BBC HD' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'hdshowcase.discoverychannel.com', channum = '41', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'Discovery HD Showcase' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'hd.animalplanet.se', channum = '42', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'Animal Planet HD' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'hd.natgeo.se', channum = '43', useonairguide ='1', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'Nat Geo HD' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'wildhd.natgeo.se', channum = '44', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'Nat Geo Wild HD' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'hd.historytv.se', channum = '45', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'History Chnl HD' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'animalplanet.se', channum = '46', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'Animal Planet' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'historytv.se', channum = '48', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'History Channel' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'travelchanneltv.se', channum = '49', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'Travel Channel' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'bbcknowledge.com', channum = '50', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'BBC Knowledge' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'science.discoverychannel.com', channum = '52', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'Discovery Science' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'world.discoveryworld.se', channum = '53', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'Discovery World' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'faktaxl.tv4.se', channum = '54', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'TV4 Fakta XL' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'komedi.tv4.se', channum = '60', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'TV4 Komedi' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'bbcentertainment.com', channum = '61', useonairguide ='1', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'BBC Entertainment' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'bbclifestyle.com', channum = '62', useonairguide ='1', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'BBC Lifestyle' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'star.nonstop.tv', channum = '63', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'Star' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'tnt-tv.se', channum = '64', useonairguide ='1', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'TNT Nordic' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'tcmeurope.com', channum = '65', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'Nordic TCM' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'mtv.se', channum = '66', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'MTV (S)' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'classic.vh1.se', channum = '67', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'VH1 Classic' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'kanalglobal.se', channum = '68', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'Kanal Global' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = '', channum = '69', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'Showtime' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'tvfinland.yle.fi', channum = '71', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'TV Finland' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'hightv.tv', channum = '72', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'HighTv 3D' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'hd.eurosport.se', channum = '80', useonairguide ='1', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'Eurosport HD' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'mericahd.espn.com', channum = '81', useonairguide ='1', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'ESPN America HD' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'hd.eurosport2.se', channum = '83', useonairguide ='1', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'Eurosport 2 HD' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'motorstv.com', channum = '84', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'Motors TV' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'classic.espn.com', channum = '85', useonairguide ='1', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'ESPN Classic' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'disneychannel.se', channum = '90', useonairguide ='1', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'Disney Channel (S/F)' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'xd.disneychannel.se', channum = '91', useonairguide ='1', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'Disney XD (S/F)' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'junior.disney.se', channum = '92', useonairguide ='1', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'Disney Junior' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'cartoonnetwork.se', channum = '93', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'Cartoon Network' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'nickelodeon.se', channum = '94', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'Nickelodeon (S)' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'boomerangtv.se', channum = '95', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'Boomerang' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'svtb-svt24.svt.se', channum = '96', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-2', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'SVTB/SVT24' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'nickjr.se', channum = '97', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'Nick Jr.' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'cnn.com', channum = '102', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'CNN International' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'bbcworldnews.com', channum = '103', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'BBC World News' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'skynews.bleb.org', channum = '104', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'Sky News' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = '', channum = '105', useonairguide ='1', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'Bloomberg' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'aljazeera.net', channum = '106', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'AlJazeera English' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'france24.com', channum = '107', useonairguide ='1', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'France 24' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'adultchannel.co.uk', channum = '130', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'Adult' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'europe.bluehustler.com', channum = '131', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'Blue Hustler' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'svt1.svt.se', channum = '150', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'SVT1' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'svt2.svt.se', channum = '151', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'SVT2' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'tv3.se', channum = '152', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'TV3 (S)' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'tv4.se', channum = '153', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'TV4' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'kanal5.se', channum = '154', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'Kanal 5 (S)' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'eurosport.se', channum = '155', useonairguide ='1', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'Eurosport' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'america.espn.com', channum = '156', useonairguide ='1', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'ESPN America' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'first.cmore.se', channum = '157', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'C More First' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'series.cmore.se', channum = '158', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'C More Series' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'sport.cmore.se', channum = '159', useonairguide ='0', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'C More Sport' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;
UPDATE channel set xmltvid = 'eurosport2.se', channum = '161', useonairguide ='1', commmethod ='-1', visible ='1' WHERE name = 'Eurosport 2' AND convert( `channum` , signed ) > 161 order by convert( `channum` , signed ) DESC LIMIT 1;

För att kontrollera om mythfilldatabase fungerar kör jag följande:

su mythtv
mythutil --clearcache

När man kör mythfilldatabase blir det en massa utskrift. Kontrollera att skriptet verkligen öppnar filen med xmltv-confen.
Första gången tar körningen lång tid. Om allt går rätt så uppstår inga allvarliga fel. Några kanaler hittar xmltv ingen referens till.

I myhtWeb kollar jag att kanalordningen är rätt etc.

2013-06-25, 15:47
Bra Jobbat ....men du har glömt lägga in tv 6

2013-06-25, 16:20
Bra Jobbat ....men du har glömt lägga in tv 6

Kan ju bero på att Canal Digital inte sänder TV 6. ;)

2013-06-25, 16:38
Kan ju bero på att Canal Digital inte sänder TV 6. ;)

Det har du helt rätt.....jag blandade med Comhem kanaler hahahahaha

2013-06-26, 09:45
När kommer en liknande för Viasat ?

2013-06-26, 20:29
När kommer en liknande för Viasat ?

Den frågan får någon annan svara på då jag inte har viasat.

Jag kommer att utveckla detta mer. Har nämligen upptäckt tvzon.se som skapar xmltv för alla CD-kanaler utom två :)
Upptäckte detta när jag installerade Mythbuntu på min andra burk. TvZon finns tom med i setupen i backend!

Upptäckte en irriterade sak. När jag skulle skapa config-skriptet för TvZon:

su mythtv
tv_grab_se_tvzon --configure

Då hamnar setupfilen TvZon.xmltv på fel ställe. Enligt loggen från mythfilldatabase skall den placeras i /home/mythtv/.mythtv men den hamnar i /home/mythtv/.xmltv
Enkelt att flytta men irriterande.

Därutöver måste man populera kanallistan med xmltv-id och det är tidsödande. Tänkte bespara er den tiden :)

2013-07-02, 07:09
Då har jag uppdaterat första inlägget i tråden.
Hoppas det funkar bra för dem som genomför det.

När jag satt och fixade med detta upptäckte jag även att setup-skriptet för tvzon skapade kortnamn på kanalerna i kolumnen callsign i databasen. Det får bli en framtida uppdatering av inlägget.

2013-07-02, 08:14
Du borde även flagga vilka kanaler som inte har reklam och vilka som EPG ska läsas ifrån...
Samt flagga alla de andra kanalerna så att de inte syns...

2013-07-02, 18:29
Reklamkanaler var redan fixat. Lade till att flagga kanalerna så att de syns och andra inte syns.
Gällande EPG så har jag inte kommit så långt ännu.

2013-09-15, 13:42
Har uppdaterat instruktionen mot Canal Digitals familjepaket HD