
Visa fullständig version : dreamoem.com nere

2016-12-29, 12:43
Någon mer än mig som har märkt att dreamoem.com är nere sedan ett tag tillbaka?
Har de lagt ner för gott??

2016-12-29, 13:05
Har för mig att det var samma sak förra årsslutet, då var det räkningen som inte var betalt.

2016-12-29, 18:11
Haha, det förklarar saken.

EDIT: Svar från gjstroom:

I emailed with Mfaraj, one of the last real admins of the dreamoem site, but he doesn't have any more info. RamiMaher was not seen at the forum for several months.
Nobody seems to know what happened to Sim2 (the guy behind Sunray/Dreamoem), rumors go he's in jail because of illegal distribution of smartcards for some China porn channels. This took place about a year ago. He's also the guy who arranged and most probably paid for the server hosting.
None of the remaining admins/moderators had direct access to the server which hosted the Dreamoem forum. A guy named Mach is/was the server admin, but I don't have his direct mail address.
I already sent an email to the contact address of the dreamoem.com doamain, but didn't get any answer.

I will try to get the forum back, but I am afraid it's gone for ever...