
Visa fullständig version : [LÖST] 9780s. Is it fucked?

2004-04-25, 19:00
Hi , have read so much here about this new system coming and lost my 9780s to new updating because i had not been checking the internet for a couple of weeks. So please tell me ( gladly write in Swedish) Except for taking abbonemang is it finished for now? Some guy has written to take off the cover and short circuit the box near the the card slot (or something) then use a new programmed card, but that sounds like bull shit to me? Anyone who can help?

2004-04-25, 19:15
It is fucked.

2004-04-25, 19:21
So what eke57 wrote about shortcircuiting the box- is bullshit then?

2004-04-25, 20:42
I´m not an hardware expert but it looks like BS to me.
Viaccess has a very limited time left, so face the facts and look back on the good old day then almost every encrytion was open :wink: