MAC Adress changing on Dreambox DM500S/T/C

1)Download mac change firmware at:

2) Unpack firmware and rename it to backup.img

3) FTP to dreambox and place backup.img in /tmp

3) Telnet to your dreambox

4) Type this:
cd /tmp && eraseall /dev/mtd/3 && cp backup.img /dev/mtd/3 && reboot

5) Telnet to the dreambox again. and type this:
patchME 00 09 34 12 34 56

6) Type this in telnet:

7) Now flash box with a image of your choice, ex. Gemeni 4.6 or newer.

00 09 34) (12 34 56)
00 09 34: is genuine dreambox mac and should not be changed.
12 34 56: Should be changed to any valid hex values of your choice.

Example of hex values are:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 A B C D E F