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Ämne: Viaccess 1


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  1. #1

    Viaccess 1

    Just wondering as I have a old fun card over Which is the best Viaccess 1 hex files for Hotbird and where can I download it
    with thanks
    Always livin in hope

  2. #2
    Slipstream is a good file that works perfect for Viacess channels (not so much left on air tho).......

    You can download it on SSH or at Tony doe's.
    Do a search on google as I'm not sure if it's allowed to post links on this messageboard.
    - Look! I'm Al Pacino from Scarface!
    - No you're not! You're Fredrik the idiot from Sweden.
    **Gary Busey till Fredrik Wikingsson efter en omgång Paintball.**

  3. #3
    May 2004
    1 139
    1 gånger
    yes you can Tony

    but you can´t layout files on the forum only comhit crew is allowed to do that

    read the rules! :wink:

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