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Ämne: kan man köra viasat utan kort

  1. #1
    Aug 2005
    1 gånger

    kan man köra viasat utan kort

    om jag har ett viasat orginalkort som funkar om jag sätter in den i en dreambox och knappar in boxid och nått annat kan jag titta på de kanaler då .
    Tack i förväg

  2. #2

    mvh humlan.
    Sunray4, Vu+ Solo SE, MyGica ATV1800, 4 to 1 HDMI 1.4-switch 4k 2k med optisk utgång för anlutning till min Logitech Z906, Projektor Optoma 141x, 150cm Parabol med actuator, Moteck V-Box II för DiSEq konvertering, Invacom LNB + en del annat för Tv, bild, ljud/Hi-Fi LAN/WAN...

  3. #3
    Aug 2005
    1 gånger
    kan man titta utan kort sen. Vilka nummer ska man knappa in och vart hittar man de. Ska man bara knappa in de eller?

  4. #4
    Nej, du måste ha ett kort i.
    Dreambox 7020s, Gemini 3.30

  5. #5
    Jo du borde kunna ta ut kortet och köra...

    ....i 10 sekunder sen behöver en ny nyckel läsas från kortet!

  6. #6
    Dec 2004
    4 250
    122 gånger
    blir ju bra träning för armen iaf
    DM8000CC 1TB HDD DVD - OpenPLi
    HTPC: Intel Core i5 2320 8GB 500GB HDD + Kodi
    Epson TW3200, Euroscreen Black Grey 86"
    ESXi med bla Tvheadend Server + HDHomeRun HDHR3-4DC
    Raspberry Pi 4 - LibreELEC
    Revolut Vimla Tibber:

  7. #7
    någon som vill hjälpa en med att få in box id på rätt ställe + att få det att uppdatera sig
    # /var/tuxbox/config/newcamd/cardserv.cfg
    # The new cardserver can run several cards at once. It detects cards being
    # inserted and removed from configured card readers. Every card uses its
    # own TCP port to listen for incoming client connections. Card readers, that
    # are configured, but where no card is inserted, will not be initialized.
    # Supported are both serial ports of dbox2 (SERIAL_PORT = 0, 1), Dreambox
    # cardreaders (SERIAL_PORT = 0 (upper), SERIAL_PORT = 1 (lower)) and the
    # Dreambox's serial port (SERIAL_PORT = 2). Supported CA systems are Seca,
    # Viaccess, Irdeto, Viasat-NDS, Conax, Cryptoworks and Nagra1. Irdeto cards (or
    # some of them) probably won't work in the Dreambox cardreaders, due to driver
    # issues. In fact, the only Irdeto cards, that were successfully tested in
    # Dreambox cardreaders, are the new Premiere cards and I2 cards. Premiere cards
    # will ONLY work with betad (no sharing allowed for Premiere). Betad is a small
    # subset of cardserver, using Unix Domain Sockets to communicate with newcamd.
    # Also betad will only understand a very small subset of the options described
    # here. Each instance of betad will only be able to serve exactly one card,
    # while one instance of cardserver can serve multiple cards at the same time.
    # Therefore betad is not able to handle the sc8in1. Betad configuration file is
    # called betad.cfg. There is no special manual for betad.cfg, we everyone will
    # be able to figure out, which cardserv.cfg options, described below, will also
    # work in betad.cfg and which won't.
    # Configuration consists of global (all cards) and local (single card) options.
    # betad.cfg will of course only have one local (single card) section. The
    # global section is located at the beginning of the file before the first
    # SERIAL_PORT option. The SERIAL_PORT option is a "divider" between the global
    # and the local sections, it also is a divider between options for different
    # cards. The SC8IN1_SLOT options is a similar divider, but it divides only
    # between different cards in the sc8in1 cam and the first SC8IN1_SLOT options
    # has to preceeded by a SERIAL_PORT option. Some options may appear in the
    # global as well as in local sections, in the case the option in the global
    # section is a default for all cards, that don't have the same option in their
    # particular local section. Options that appear in an incorrect section will
    # be rejected with a "parse error" and the cardserver won't start. Betad will
    # also reject all cardserver options, that aren't necessary or allowed for its
    # operation. betad will understand the following options, of used correctly:
    # You can also start cardserver multiple times by specifying different cfg
    # files in the command line. Use only the name of the cfg file, the path of the
    # file is always fixed to /var/tuxbox/config/newcamd (dbox2, Dreambox) or
    # /etc/newcamd (i386)
    # (G) = global section only
    # (L) = local section only
    # (A) = all sections
    # 14 byte des key for the connection (A)
    # DESKEY = 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
    # id name of the cardserver (G)
    # SERVER_NAME = cardserv
    # debug port, lists all cards and their open connections (G)
    # just telnet to it
    # DEBUG_PORT = 12002
    # entitlement port, lists entitlements of Seca, Conax and Cryptoworks cards
    # just telnet to it
    # ENTITLEMENT_PORT = 12003
    # optional admin options (G)
    # port for incoming camdcmd connections
    # password and 14 byte des key for admin connections
    # ADMIN_PORT = 12004
    # ADMIN_PASSWORD = secret 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    # Userlist (A)
    # there can be multiple users, user 1 always do AU for the card
    # additional AU users can be defined by adding "au" at the end of the USER line
    # keep in mind that your card number will be sent to all AU users
    # global user preceed local users in terms of userid
    # lan/wan/spider gives the type of connection
    # lan = local area network
    # wan = wide area network (those connections can be rebuild with camdcmd wanon)
    # connections from cardspider to "wan" declared cards in cardserver are not
    # possible
    # spider = acts like wan, but allows connections from cardspider
    # <username> <password> <lan/wan/spider> <newcamd hostname> <newcamd incoming cws port> (A)
    # everything starting from <lan/wan> is optional (reverse login is optional)
    # USER = dummy dummy lan dbox2 12000
    # two examples for additional AU users
    # USER = dummy2 dummy2 lan dbox2 12000 au
    # USER = dummy3 dummy3 au
    # CLIENT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT (in 100ms) (G)
    # max time to wait for a login at a newcamd client
    # debug options (A) - show network and card init, ecm and emm packages
    # DEBUG_INIT = no
    # DEBUG_NET = no
    # DEBUG_ECM = no
    # DEBUG_EMM = no
    # Serial Port (Phoenix/Multicam) (Section divider)
    # The first SERIAL_PORT options ends the global section
    # On DM7000 SERIAL_PORT = 0 is the upper card slot,
    # SERIAL_PORT = 1 is the lower card slot and 2 is the
    # actual serial port.
    # On DM500 SERIAL_PORT = 1 is the card slot, 2 is the
    # serial port.
    # All numbers SERIAL_PORT = 3 and higher on Dreambox will use /dev/usb/tts/X
    # devices for Phoenix on USB-to-RS232 adapters. This feature depends on a
    # driver for your particular SB->RS232 adapter being insmod into the kernel of
    # your image, your particular USB->RS232 driver supporting RS232 handshaking
    # signal generation and on the particular card used. Basically this feature
    # should be considered unstable and for advanced users only. The BAUDRATE option
    # is not available for SERIAL_PORT = 3 and higher on Dreambox and would be
    # rejected with a parse error
    # SERIAL_PORT = <no> begins a single card's local section
    # SERIAL_PORT = 0
    # Serial Port (sc8in1) (section devider)
    # SERIAL_PORT = <no> sc8in1 begins a sc8in1 description
    # SC8IN1_SLOT must follow immediately to start a local section
    # SERIAL_PORT = 1 sc8in1
    # sc8in1 slot (sc8in1 sub section divider)
    # valid slots are 0-7, 0 being the left most connector on the sc8in1
    # SC8IN1_SLOT = 1
    # Parity - serial communication parameter for the smartcard (L)
    # The default is on, which is correct for all cards except Irdeto
    # This is for reading the ATR only, after the ATR has been recognized by
    # cardserver, it automatically switches to the correct communication parameters
    # Some Irdeto cards work with PARITY = on also, some need PARTIY = off, so just
    # test it. Dreambox cardreaders don't need this option, so it will be rejected
    # for SERIAL_PORT = 0, 1 on Dreambox
    # PARITY = on
    # different Phoenix readers sometimes use different serial lines to detect an
    # inserted card, here you can specify, which line cardserver should use for a
    # particular card. Possible values are CTS, DCD and DSR
    # Default is CTS for sc8in1 and dbox2 serport 1, DCD otherwise
    # Will be rejected for SERIAL_PORT = 0, 1 on Dreambox (internal cardreaders)
    # Baudrate (L) (DBOX2/DREAMBOX versions ONLY!)
    # Baudrate selection for the dbox2/Dreambox server. Allows to run 6 MHz with
    # 3.579 MHz crystal and (theoretically) the other way around.
    # Keep in mind, running anything but Irdeto cards at 6 MHz is overclocking!!!
    # Irdeto card at 3.57 MHz: BAUDRATE = 5727
    # other card at 6 MHz: BAUDRATE = 16128
    # Default is 9622, which is correct for all except Irdeto cards at 3.579 MHz
    # 3579545 Hz / 372 = 9622 bit/s (see iso 7816)
    # This option will be rejected on I386 and on Dreambox ports other than
    # SERIAL_PORT = 2
    # BAUDRATE = 9622
    # TCP port (L) - the port listening for connections for a particular card
    # TCP_PORT = 2000
    # EMM options - block EMM-U, EMM-G or EMM-S (A)
    # EMM-G = no
    # EMM-S = no
    # EMM-U = no
    # For iso cardreaders that close the card switch contact instead of opening it,
    # when a card is inserted (L)
    # Will be rejected for SERIAL_PORT = 0, 1 on Dreambox (internal cardreaders)
    # Disable Pin (L) Seca only
    # suppress all pin enter requests on Seca cards
    # be very careful with this feature, if you have ordered PPV events or have
    # prepaid Jetons on your card, if this is enabled, cardserver will use them
    # up on any ppv event without ever asking
    # DISABLE_PIN = yes
    # Special features (only for some cards) (L)
    # Exclude services - Some providers offer a PPV preview by allowing a card
    # to decrypt a certain number of ECMs of each PPV event before it has to be
    # bought. Sharing such a card with other people allows them to "steal" this
    # PPV preview. With this option, you can tell cardserver to not ask the card
    # to decrypt ECMs for certain services, except if user 1 (the EMM user) asks
    # for them. Each blocked service has to be listed with its service id.
    # A service id is a 16-bit number and has to be given in hex.
    # camdcmd offers a possibility to change the list of blocked services without
    # restarting cardserver (if for example you have bought a PPV event and now
    # want to share it).
    # Block single service (L)
    # EXCLUDE_SERVICE = 13a9
    # You can also block a range of service ids, the following blocks all services
    # from 02be to 02c8
    # Boxid (for Viasat-NDS cards only) (L)
    # 10-digit serial number of the STB, your Viasat card is married to
    # you find this serial number on your original Viasat STB in the following menu:
    # Setup->Decoder information->STB Identifier
    # take this number and remove the last digit
    # take the first (left-most) 10 digits, omit the last (right-most) digit
    #BOXID = 0000000000
    # Boxkey (for Nagra1 cards only) (L)
    # 8 byte des boxkey of your nagra smartcard. This boxkey is needed for proper
    # use of your card, otherwise you'll get incorrect control words
    # BOXKEY = 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88
    # Example
    DESKEY = 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
    SERVER_NAME = cardserv
    DEBUG_PORT = 14000
    ADMIN_PORT = 14002
    ADMIN_PASSWORD = secret 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    USER = local local lan 12000
    USER = spider spider lan 15003
    DEBUG_INIT = no
    DEBUG_NET = no
    DEBUG_ECM = no
    DEBUG_EMM = no
    #SERIAL_PORT = 0
    #TCP_PORT = 10000
    TCP_PORT = 10001

  8. #8
    Donator matkohs avatar
    May 2005
    7 062
    310 gånger

    Totalt oläsligt.

    Ta bort alla rader som börjar med #, och posta den på nytt. OBS Editera den INTE i någon fönstermaskin, de ställer bara till med elände på filerna.

    Lycka till
    VVSMF (VågaVägraSmåMjukaFönster)
    Linux rules!

    VU+ Solo 4K, VU+ Solo2, 2* VU+ Solo Se, 4* VU+ Zero

  9. #9
    nästan alla
    Boxid (for Viasat-NDS cards only) (L)
    # 10-digit serial number of the STB, your Viasat card is married to
    # you find this serial number on your original Viasat STB in the following menu:
    # Setup->Decoder information->STB Identifier
    # take this number and remove the last digit
    # take the first (left-most) 10 digits, omit the last (right-most) digit
    # BOXID = 0000000000
    # Boxkey (for Nagra1 cards only) (L)
    # 8 byte des boxkey of your nagra smartcard. This boxkey is needed for proper
    # use of your card, otherwise you'll get incorrect control words
    # BOXKEY = 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88
    # Example
    DESKEY = 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
    SERVER_NAME = cardserv
    DEBUG_PORT = 14000
    ADMIN_PORT = 14002
    ADMIN_PASSWORD = secret 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    USER = local local lan 12000
    USER = spider spider lan 15003
    DEBUG_INIT = no
    DEBUG_NET = no
    DEBUG_ECM = no
    DEBUG_EMM = no
    #SERIAL_PORT = 0
    #TCP_PORT = 10000
    TCP_PORT = 10001

  10. #10
    har laddat ner cam newcamd 6,02 komplit
    till db

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