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Ämne: Cardserver med Windows operativsystem ?


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  1. #1

    Cardserver med Windows operativsystem ?

    Finns det någon som har en Cardsever (pc) med Windows som operativsystem ???
    Linux är säkert hur bra som helst,men är man ingen datanörd och framförallt aldrig pysslat med Linyx,är det inte lätt
    Hoppas på ett positivt svar


    edit av rejj: överdrivet med tjugo "?"

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Frågan va!
    finns det något allternativ till LINUX om man vill ha en cardserver.(Windows)
    Jag förstår att det här är LINUX fantasternas himmel,men man får väl ställa frågan ?


    Den som ställer enkla frågor,vill nog ha enkla svar.

  4. #4
    OT: lägg ner lite tid i stället å lär dej Linux. När du väl kan de så förstår du att de är stabilare när datorn ska stå på 24/7
    EDIT: sedan räcker de med 1 utropstecken.

  5. #5
    Det funkar hur bra som helst med "NewCS" till Windows, så det är bara å dra igång en server .

    mvh humlan.
    Sunray4, Vu+ Solo SE, MyGica ATV1800, 4 to 1 HDMI 1.4-switch 4k 2k med optisk utgång för anlutning till min Logitech Z906, Projektor Optoma 141x, 150cm Parabol med actuator, Moteck V-Box II för DiSEq konvertering, Invacom LNB + en del annat för Tv, bild, ljud/Hi-Fi LAN/WAN...

  6. #6
    Efter ditt svar har jag letat efter i ca 1 timme,jag har hittat
    newcs-1_beta6,men ingen bra install beskrivning,du vet inte möjligen var man kan hitta en ?


    Den som ställer enkla frågor,vill nog ha enkla svar.

  7. #7
    Citat Ursprungligen postat av mimmie
    Efter ditt svar har jag letat efter i ca 1 timme,jag har hittat
    newcs-1_beta6,men ingen bra install beskrivning,du vet inte möjligen var man kan hitta en ?

    Kolla på men det ska finnas med i filerna som laddas ner. Men jag ska försöka få tag på en "manual" av dom som kör NewCS på Windows.

    mvh humlan.
    Sunray4, Vu+ Solo SE, MyGica ATV1800, 4 to 1 HDMI 1.4-switch 4k 2k med optisk utgång för anlutning till min Logitech Z906, Projektor Optoma 141x, 150cm Parabol med actuator, Moteck V-Box II för DiSEq konvertering, Invacom LNB + en del annat för Tv, bild, ljud/Hi-Fi LAN/WAN...

  8. #8
    ComHit Crew
    Nov 2002
    3 219
    14 gånger
    förstår inte varför du inte tittar i vårt filarkiv först?

    newcs ligger under emulatorer...

  9. #9
    Och ALLT står i config filen. Bara att läsa den så funkar det.

  10. #10
    Den här manualen har jag klippt å klistrat från:


    Setting up NewCS cardserver

    In this document we describe the installation and configuration steps for a NewCS cardserver system. You will need the following software / hardware components for a successful installation:

    Linux or Windows XP host (preferred a newer RedHat or any new system)
    Cardreader hardware
    An active serial port
    NewCS archive; You can download it from our site

    When everything is ready, follow this step-by-step setup procedure:

    Installing the server on a Linux system

    Decompress the NewCS archive; You will find various executables in bin directory. We will need only one file for our Intel-based system. It is a newcs.x86. So copy it to your Linux host using FTP. The preferred location varies from system to system. It is usually


    Copy the configuration (newcs.xml.phoenix) file into:


    Rename this file to


    Now, we can start the NewCS server! But wait a moment! It need! On some systems it is not available in this naming, but check the /lib directory on your system. If you can find a or or similar file, soft-link to the name we require:

    ln /lib/ /lib/

    Now, will have a required library name in /libs directory. We can start the NewCS server.

    Type its name and press enter:


    If You are in currently in a directory where NewCS is installed, type this:


    If it is running, it will write informations to the screen like this:

    [root@celeron root]# newcs
    Reading Config file /var/tuxbox/config/newcs.xml
    level: normal
    type: init
    output: all
    logger config: level 1 type 3 output 255
    log file:
    logger: cant open file , file log disabled
    udp log: host port 1000
    tcp port: 3001
    [ 20:14:47 ] [ Box detect ] Box type 1
    [ 20:14:47 ] [ Config ] Option <PPV> for device phoenix not present
    [ 20:14:47 ] [ Config ] /dev/ttyS0 ECM priority: round
    [ 20:14:47 ] [ EMM Cache ] Initialising Cache with 10 entries
    [ 20:14:47 ] [ ECM Cache ] Initialising Cache with 10 entries
    [ NewCS ] Process id 1871
    [ 20:14:47 ] [ Loader ] Reader type 2 on node /dev/ttyS0
    [ 20:14:47 ] [ Phoenix ] Opening device /dev/ttyS0
    [ 20:14:47 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Parity to: EVEN
    [ 20:14:47 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Baud to custom 16129
    [ 20:14:47 ] [ Phoenix ] Normal RESET on node /dev/ttyS0
    [ 20:14:48 ] [ Loader ] Unknown card
    [ 20:14:48 ] [ Loader ] Trying Irdeto (T=14)
    [ 20:14:48 ] [ Loader ] Reader type 2 on node /dev/ttyS0
    [ 20:14:48 ] [ Phoenix ] Opening device /dev/ttyS0
    [ 20:14:48 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Parity to: EVEN
    [ 20:14:48 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Baud to standard 9600
    [ 20:14:48 ] [ Phoenix ] Normal RESET on node /dev/ttyS0
    [ 20:14:50 ] [ Loader ] Unknown card
    [ 20:14:50 ] [ NewCS ] Ready to GO!

    Ok! Now, find the NewCS process and kill it:

    [root@celeron root]# ps ax|grep newcs
    1871 pts/2 S 0:00 newcs
    1875 pts/2 S 0:00 grep newcs

    The process id is 1871, so use the kill comand with this number as its parameter:

    [root@celeron root]# kill 1871

    Always be sure you are running only a ONE INSTANCE from a NewCS server! Use ps ax | grep newcs command to do this. If You need multiple instances, create configuration files for every instance, and start NewCS with it as a parameter:

    [root@celeron root]# newcs /var/tuxbox/config/newcs2.xml

    In the previous example You have specified the configuration file You want to use.

    With your favorite text editor edit the configuration file to suit your needs. The serial ports on Linux are:

    /dev/ttyS0 = COM1
    /dev/ttyS1 = COM2

    Find the first <device> tag:

    <PTShandshake>Yes</PTShandshake> <!-- Set to yes(if wanted) for cryptoworks, Viacess and c
    <!-- valid value for id are:
    4 numbers, if the service id is 3 numbers, add a 0 infront of it. -->
    <!-- valid value for id are:
    4 numbers, if the service id is 3 numbers, add a 0 infront of it.

    <node> and <newcamd_port> is interesting for us. Specify the serial port (ttySx) on which You have an active cardreader hardware. Also, specify the debug port for the NewCS (starts its numbering from 10001).

    Add some users. Find a user tag:


    Modify the <name> and <password> to fit your needs. You can have multiple <user> tags, of course.


    Kill the runninf NewCS process, and restart it using this newly created configuration file with its parameter:

    [root@celeron root]# newcs /var/tuxbox/config/newcs.xml

    It will write out the card paramters and other infos. Now, You can connect to this server using NewCAMD, EvoCAMD, MGCAMD, WinCSC and other CAM emulators. Enjoy!

    Installing the server on a Windows system

    The Windows installation is similar to the unix version. Decompress the following files from the NewCS archive to some directory:


    Rename the file

    newcs.xml.dragon to newcs.xml

    Edit the newcs.xml file. Edit <device> and <user> tags. Now, use COM1 and COM2 etc. instead of ttySx device names for serial ports.

    <PTShandshake>Yes</PTShandshake> <!-- Set to yes(if wanted) for cryptoworks, Viacess and c
    <!-- valid value for id are:
    4 numbers, if the service id is 3 numbers, add a 0 infront of it. -->
    <!-- valid value for id are:
    4 numbers, if the service id is 3 numbers, add a 0 infront of it.

    <node> and <newcamd_port> is interesting for us. Specify the serial port (COMx) on which You have a cardreader hardware installed. Also, specify the debug port for the NewCS server (starts its numbering from 10001).

    Add some users. Find a user tag:


    Modify the <name> and <password> to fit your needs. You can have multiple <user> tags, of course.


    Start the newcs.exe from the command prompt.


    You can test the server connecting to it using NewCAMD, EvoCAMD, MGCAMD, WinCSC and other CAM emulators. Enjoy!

    mvh humlan.
    Sunray4, Vu+ Solo SE, MyGica ATV1800, 4 to 1 HDMI 1.4-switch 4k 2k med optisk utgång för anlutning till min Logitech Z906, Projektor Optoma 141x, 150cm Parabol med actuator, Moteck V-Box II för DiSEq konvertering, Invacom LNB + en del annat för Tv, bild, ljud/Hi-Fi LAN/WAN...

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