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Ämne: Windows XP spy


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  1. #1

    Windows XP spy

    Är deta sant .

    Windows XP comes with many enhancements. Many useful tools and mandatory registration, if you perform format or new installation you need to get new keys etc..
    And above of these, there is one unique new enhancement too, that is an eye of microsoft at your pc, they can tracking everything about you...

    Now i'll tell ye how to find that spy and eliminate it.
    After PC Starts-Up
    Start -> Run...
    Type CMD that text box and press enter
    Now you should see Command Prompt secreen
    type here : net user
    you'll see some of user at your computer, everything is usual so far.
    But if you see as a user called Support_388945a0 on the user list
    that means you have the spy, otherwise is your pc is clear.

    If there is the spy :

    it's easy to delete it
    please try this : net user SUPPORT_388945a0 /delete
    press Enter and well done you got rid of it

  2. #2
    Saxat från


    The Support_388945a0 account is primarily used to control access to signed scripts that are accessible from within Help and Support Services. Administrators can use this account to delegate the ability for an ordinary user, who does not have administrative access over a computer, to run signed scripts from links embedded within Help and Support Services. These scripts can be programmed to use the Support_388945a0 account credentials instead of the users credentials to perform specific administrative operations on the local computer that otherwise would not be supported by the ordinary users account

    Så nej.... Nån paranoid eller skojfrisk person som tror dom hittat något fantastiskt..

  3. #3
    Feb 2004
    14 gånger
    Möjligeten till spionage är given när datorn har kontakt med INTERNET.
    Men ta det med en nypa salt och tänk vem som skulle vilja spionera på dej.
    Sedan kan du tänka på hur alla program uppdateringar kommer till dej. Nu kan du kolla hur commadot NETSTAT ,i DOSrutan, fungerar eller du kör TCPVIEW .
    Du kan även säga " Jag är inte paranoid " och glömma allt det här.

    Mvh Kalle

  4. #4
    Nov 2005
    1 gånger

    Gör en: net user SUPPORT_388945a0
    så ser ni att kontot är inaktivt.

    Account active No

    ..och det är ett konto för support så att man kan aktivera det om man skulle behöva hjälp med något och är datorinvalid.

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