Är deta sant .

Windows XP comes with many enhancements. Many useful tools and mandatory registration, if you perform format or new installation you need to get new keys etc..
And above of these, there is one unique new enhancement too, that is an eye of microsoft at your pc, they can tracking everything about you...

Now i'll tell ye how to find that spy and eliminate it.
After PC Starts-Up
Start -> Run...
Type CMD that text box and press enter
Now you should see Command Prompt secreen
type here : net user
you'll see some of user at your computer, everything is usual so far.
But if you see as a user called Support_388945a0 on the user list
that means you have the spy, otherwise is your pc is clear.

If there is the spy :

it's easy to delete it
please try this : net user SUPPORT_388945a0 /delete
press Enter and well done you got rid of it