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Ämne: Problem med Nemcamd-filen??

  1. #1

    Problem med Nemcamd-filen??

    Har en DM 500 S, Linux-server, netgear DG834GT router, USB-phoenix/smartmouse kortläsare. Om man kollar i putty så kommunicerar dreamboxen med servern då man väljer interface (MG 1.24) och kortet läses in rätt enligt putty, tror jag.
    Om man lägger upp sitt interna nätverk i DCC så ser man oxå att det kommunicerar. Alla IP:n är rätt inställda och jag har liksom kört fast. Finns det någon som kan se om man ser något som inte stämmer?

    Så här ser newcamd-filen ut nu:

    # /var/tuxbox/config/newcamd.conf
    # this is the configfile for MGCamd with NewCS!!!!
    # What Demux API is used? (1 = very old, 2 = rel (Dreambox), 3 = head (VDR))
    DEMUX_API = 2
    # on PPC version: What Box is used? Valid options are DBOX2, DM7000 and DM5600
    # on I386 version this parameter is ignored
    BOX_TYPE = DM500
    # Which device for writing control words should be used?
    # Valid options are CA, SDEV or GTX
    # (SDEV and GTX = /proc/bus/gtx, CA = /dev/caX or /dev/dvb/card0/caX)
    # What CA0 API is used?
    # 3 for recent DVB-S driver or recent Dreambox drivers (dream.o from 1.07.3)
    # also for ca1 use on dbox2
    # 2 for older Dreambox driver (ca.o or dream.o up to 1.07.2)
    # no effect on PPC version if CONTROL_WORD_DEVICE = GTX or SDEV
    CA_API = 3
    # output control words to /proc/bus/gtx in 16 byte or 4096 byte packets
    # no effect on I386 version or on PPC version, if BOX_TYPE = DREAMBOX
    # This is important for channels which frequently change between free and
    # encrypted broadcasts. The change will be reflected in the PMT. If you
    # don't want your picture to stop when the channel goes from free access
    # mode to encrypted mode, either your zapper (zapit/Enigma) or newcamd
    # itself has to keep track of PMT changes. Recent Enigma versions do this,
    # so you can set PMT_UPDATE_WATCH to no. Recent Zapit versions also have
    # this option, but it is not compiled by default. So when using Zapit
    # without PMT updates, you need to enable newcamd to monitor the PMT
    # (PMT_UPDATE_WATCH = yes). Having both zapper and newcamd monitor
    # the PMT at the same time, can lead to all kind of instabilities and
    # should therefore by avoided, even if it seems to work at first.
    # Use emulator?
    EMU = yes
    # if both control word server and emulator keys are available for the
    # channel, which method should be tried first?
    PREFER_EMU = yes
    # deactivates the dbox2 Betacrypt CAM
    # this has to be set to yes on Dreambox
    DISABLE_CAM = yes
    # use dbox2 Betacrypt CAM for caids 06, 17 or both (00)?
    CAM_CASYS = 17
    # Autoupdate for Emu and Control Word Servers
    # AU is always yes if there are Betacrypt UDS control word server
    # connected to newcamd
    AU = yes
    # newcamd debug options
    # dumps all ca systems used by a channel on the console
    # On Screen Display, neutrino, enigma or none
    OSD = none
    # Recent Enigma versions come with a new option "Use http authentication"
    # in the Expert Setup menu. If this option is enabled, the Enigma web server
    # requires all clients to authorize themselves with username (root) and
    # password (usually dbox2 or dreambox). The following option tells newcamd
    # about the authentication username and password to use for the web server
    # in order to be able to display its on screen information.
    OSD_WEB_LOGIN = root:dreambox
    # print debug messages about ECM handling
    DEBUG_ECM = yes
    # print debug messages about EMM handling
    DEBUG_EMM = no
    # print debug messages about Control Word Server (CWS)
    DEBUG_CWS = yes
    # print debug messages about dbox2 CAM (cam-alpha.bin)
    DEBUG_CAM = yes
    # print command message to/from dbox2 CAM as hex strings
    DEBUG_CAM_HEX = no
    # print all plain control words used
    SHOW_CW = no
    # hex dump of entire PAT
    SHOW_PAT = no
    # hex dump of entire PMT
    SHOW_PMT = no
    # hex dump of entire ECM
    SHOW_ECM = no
    # hex dump of entire CAT
    SHOW_CAT = no
    # hex dump of entire EMM (AU)
    SHOW_EMM = no
    # show network ECM messages being sent and received from/to the cardservers
    SHOW_CWS_ECM = no
    # show network EMM messages being sent and received from/to the cardservers
    SHOW_CWS_EMM = no
    # hex dump of EMMs with wrong signature
    # delay between channel zap and appearance of the OSD
    OSD_WAIT_TIME = 2000
    # newcamd optional settings
    # Delay between reception of new control word and writing them into
    # the CSA registers
    # this is a default, can be changed for each individual key in keylist
    # reload config on every channel zap
    # reload keylist on every channel zap
    # write osd ca info to file
    # CA_INFO_FILE = /tmp/cainfo.txt
    # newcamd mandatory settings for control word servers (cws)
    # Cardserver list
    # <hostname> <port> <username> <password> <14 byte triple-des key in hex> <lan/wan> <cardserver name>
    # wan connections will be dropped and rebuild if newcamd is told so by camdcmd
    # (see admin options)
    # hostname = uds to use betad, port is the serial port in that case
    #CWS = uds 1 premiere premiere
    #CWS = 10001 local local 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 wan cardserv
    CWS = 10000 peter peter 14 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 01 lan cardserv
    #CWS = 34001 dummy dummy 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 lan newcs
    # newcamd optional settings for using control word servers (cws)
    # Timeout for cardserver login in 100ms
    # Port to listen for incoming cardserver connections (reverse login)
    # and/or admin connections
    # Port to get a list of all connected cardservers, just telnet to it
    CWS_DEBUG_PORT = 12001
    # newcamd admin control options
    # (incoming port is the same as CWS_INCOMING_PORT)
    # <password> <14 byte des key>
    ADMIN_PASSWORD = secret 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    Så här ser putty filen ut när jag startat kortläsaren.
    gin as: root
    root@'s password:

    cardserver:~# cd /var
    cardserver:/var# tuxbox/
    -bash: tuxbox/: är en katalog
    cardserver:/var# ls
    backups cache lib local lock log mail opt run spool tmp tuxbox
    cardserver:/var# cd tuxbox/
    cardserver:/var/tuxbox# ls
    config newcs.i686 newcs.i686-1.3
    cardserver:/var/tuxbox# ./newcs.i686
    This is NewCS 1.50 - the New CardServer by Butter-team..
    Compiled on Oct 26 2007 at 16:26:17
    Reading Config file from /etc/newcs.xml
    No certificate specified in config, trying to look in current dir..
    No certificate found, dependencies will be disabled..
    TCP-log password is disabled!
    TCP-log set to simple mode
    level: normal
    type: init
    output: all
    logger config: level 1 type 3 output 255
    Console log options: level 1 type 3
    log file:
    logger: cant open file , file log disabled
    udp log: host port 1000
    UDP log options: level 1 type 3
    TCP log options: level 1 type 3
    [ 22:03:12 ] [ Box detect ] Box type 1
    [ 22:03:12 ] [ Config ] Enabling SSL engine
    [ 22:03:12 ] [ Config ] SSL engine disabled due to Certificate errors
    [ 22:03:12 ] [ Config ] Option <Seca-PPV> for device 0 (Canal Anal) not present, defaulting to NO
    [ 22:03:12 ] [ Config ] /dev/ttyUSB1 ECM priority: round
    [ 22:03:12 ] [ Config ] Option <Seca-PPV> for device 1 (ViaSpratt) not present, defaulting to NO
    [ 22:03:12 ] [ Config ] Value in <boxkey> for device 1 (ViaSpratt) is INVALID, s kipping...
    [ 22:03:12 ] [ Config ] /dev/ttyUSB0 ECM priority: round
    [ 22:03:12 ] [ Config ] Option <spider> not present for User: peter, defaulting to NO
    [ 22:03:12 ] [ EMM Cache ] Initialising Cache with 10 entries
    [ 22:03:12 ] [ ECM Cache ] Initialising Cache with 10 entries
    [ NewCS ] Process ID is: 2375
    [ 22:03:12 ] [ Loader ] Starting Telnet on port 7806
    [ 22:03:12 ] [ Loader ] Reader type 2 on node /dev/ttyUSB1
    [ 22:03:12 ] [ Phoenix ] Opening device /dev/ttyUSB1
    [ 22:03:12 ] [ Phoenix ] Could not get device /dev/ttyUSB1
    [ 22:03:12 ] [ Loader ] Reset failed ...
    [ 22:03:12 ] [ Loader ] Starting Newcamd Server on port 10001
    [ 22:03:12 ] [ Loader ] Reader type 2 on node /dev/ttyUSB0
    [ 22:03:12 ] [ Phoenix ] Opening device /dev/ttyUSB0
    [ 22:03:12 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Parity to: EVEN
    [ 22:03:12 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting 2 Stop bits on node /dev/ttyUSB0
    [ 22:03:12 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Baud to standard 9600
    [ 22:03:12 ] [ Phoenix ] Normal RESET on node /dev/ttyUSB0
    [ 22:03:14 ] [ ATR ] T=0 1etu=104.17us Guardtime:15etu WWT:9600etu
    [ 22:03:14 ] [ ATR ] Historical bytes: 3 [B0] [09] i [FF] J P p [00] [00] V T [0 1] [00] [00]
    [ 22:03:14 ] [ Loader ] Init NDS card
    [ 22:03:14 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Parity to: ODD
    [ 22:03:14 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting 2 Stop bits on node /dev/ttyUSB0
    [ 22:03:14 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Baud to standard 9600
    [ 22:03:15 ] [ Keyman ] Adding key 59767793 type 0 on Provider 000000 for caid 0 90F ID=0
    [ 22:03:15 ] [ Keyman ] Adding key 59767700 type 1 on Provider 000000 for caid 0 90F ID=0
    [ 22:03:17 ] [ Loader ] Card 090F on port /dev/ttyUSB0 ready
    [ 22:03:17 ] [ Loader ] Starting Newcamd Server on port 10000
    [ 22:03:17 ] [ NewCS ] Ready to GO!

  2. #2
    ComHit Crew wildones avatar
    Jan 2004
    1 484
    62 gånger
    [ 22:03:12 ] [ Loader ] Starting Newcamd Server on port 10001

    CWS = 10000 peter peter 14 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 01 lan cardserv

    servern startar på port 10001 och din cws har 10000

    Du har dessutom en massa fel i din conf fil enligt meddelanden nedan:

    [ 22:03:12 ] [ Config ] Option <Seca-PPV> for device 0 (Canal Anal) not present, defaulting to NO
    [ 22:03:12 ] [ Config ] /dev/ttyUSB1 ECM priority: round
    [ 22:03:12 ] [ Config ] Option <Seca-PPV> for device 1 (ViaSpratt) not present, defaulting to NO
    [ 22:03:12 ] [ Config ] Value in <boxkey> for device 1 (ViaSpratt) is INVALID, s kipping...
    [ 22:03:12 ] [ Config ] /dev/ttyUSB0 ECM priority: round
    [ 22:03:12 ] [ Config ] Option <spider> not present for User: peter, defaulting to NO
    [ 22:03:12 ] [ EMM Cache ] Initialising Cache with 10 entries
    [ 22:03:12 ] [ ECM Cache ] Initialising Cache with 10 entries
    [ NewCS ] Process ID is: 2375
    [ 22:03:12 ] [ Loader ] Starting Telnet on port 7806
    [ 22:03:12 ] [ Loader ] Reader type 2 on node /dev/ttyUSB1
    [ 22:03:12 ] [ Phoenix ] Opening device /dev/ttyUSB1
    [ 22:03:12 ] [ Phoenix ] Could not get device /dev/ttyUSB1
    [ 22:03:12 ] [ Loader ] Reset failed ...
    Multitasking means screwing up several things at once.

  3. #3
    Den sista är beroende på att jag inte har ett CanalDigital kort ännu och den USB-porten är inte i drift. Man behöver väl inte ha båda igång då jag har satt # framför den CWS:en

    #CWS = 10000 local local 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 wan cardserv
    CWS = 10001 peter peter 14 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 01 lan cardserv

    Sen det andra Config-felet du markerade, är det beroende på att jag har 10000 och 10001 skiftade tro? Har provat att byta plats och startat om men det funkar inte. Vilket interface rekomenderas? Kör med MG 1.24 i dreamboxen.

    Så här ser puttyfieln ut nu...

    [ 20:16:05 ] [ Box detect ] Box type 1
    [ 20:16:05 ] [ Config ] Enabling SSL engine
    [ 20:16:05 ] [ Config ] SSL engine disabled due to Certificate errors
    [ 20:16:05 ] [ Config ] Option <Seca-PPV> for device 0 (Canal Anal) not present, defaulting to NO
    [ 20:16:05 ] [ Config ] /dev/ttyUSB1 ECM priority: round
    [ 20:16:05 ] [ Config ] Option <Seca-PPV> for device 1 (ViaSpratt) not present, defaulting to NO
    [ 20:16:05 ] [ Config ] Value in <boxkey> for device 1 (ViaSpratt) is INVALID, skipping...
    [ 20:16:05 ] [ Config ] /dev/ttyUSB0 ECM priority: round
    [ 20:16:05 ] [ Config ] Option <spider> not present for User: peter, defaulting to NO
    [ 20:16:05 ] [ EMM Cache ] Initialising Cache with 10 entries
    [ 20:16:05 ] [ ECM Cache ] Initialising Cache with 10 entries
    [ NewCS ] Process ID is: 2336
    [ 20:16:05 ] [ Loader ] Starting Telnet on port 7806
    [ 20:16:05 ] [ Loader ] Reader type 2 on node /dev/ttyUSB1
    [ 20:16:05 ] [ Phoenix ] Opening device /dev/ttyUSB1
    [ 20:16:05 ] bind: error! 98: Address already in use
    [ 20:16:05 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Parity to: EVEN
    [ 20:16:05 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting 2 Stop bits on node /dev/ttyUSB1
    [ 20:16:05 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Baud to standard 9600
    [ 20:16:05 ] [ Phoenix ] Normal RESET on node /dev/ttyUSB1
    [ 20:16:07 ] [ ATR ] T=0 1etu=104.17us Guardtime:15etu WWT:9600etu[ 20:16:07 ] [ ATR ] Historical bytes: 3 [B0] [09] i [FF] J P p [00] [00] V T [01] [00] [00]
    [ 20:16:07 ] [ Loader ] Init NDS card
    [ 20:16:07 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Parity to: ODD
    [ 20:16:07 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting 2 Stop bits on node /dev/ttyUSB1
    [ 20:16:07 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Baud to standard 9600
    [ 20:16:08 ] [ Keyman ] Adding key 59767793 type 0 on Provider 000000 for caid 090F ID=0
    [ 20:16:08 ] [ Keyman ] Adding key 59767700 type 1 on Provider 000000 for caid 090F ID=0
    [ 20:16:10 ] [ Loader ] Card 090F on port /dev/ttyUSB1 ready
    [ 20:16:10 ] [ Loader ] Starting Newcamd Server on port 10001
    [ 20:16:10 ] [ Loader ] Reader type 2 on node /dev/ttyUSB0
    [ 20:16:10 ] [ Phoenix ] Opening device /dev/ttyUSB0
    [ 20:16:10 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Parity to: EVEN
    [ 20:16:10 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting 2 Stop bits on node /dev/ttyUSB0
    [ 20:16:10 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Baud to standard 9600
    [ 20:16:10 ] bind: error! 98: Address already in use
    [ 20:16:10 ] [ Phoenix ] Normal RESET on node /dev/ttyUSB0
    [ 20:16:12 ] [ Loader ] Reset failed ...
    [ 20:16:12 ] [ Loader ] Starting Newcamd Server on port 10000
    [ 20:16:12 ] bind: error! 98: Address already in use
    [ 20:16:12 ] [ NewCS ] Ready to GO!

    Känns som att man blandar ihop allt hela tiden, men som jag förstått så är det iaf viktigt att starta om MGcamd filen i dreamboxen efter varje ändring och att man startar om kortet i putty.

    Har provat att byta portar men verkar inte funka...

    Nästa steg?

  4. #4
    ComHit Crew wildones avatar
    Jan 2004
    1 484
    62 gånger
    Döda alla instanser av newcamd/newcs och prova starta igen

    [ 20:16:05 ] bind: error! 98: Address already in use
    Multitasking means screwing up several things at once.

  5. #5
    CWS = 10000 peter peter 14 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 01 lan cardserv

    Då bör din newcs.xml se ut här eller? Givevis plus Device delen.
    Inga inloggningsförsök verkar ju gjorda?


    <deskey>14 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 01</deskey>

    <userfile />





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