Telnet log:

dm800_mips_builder:/mnt/hdd/patcher# ./
* *
* DM800 SIM 2.01 Patcher *
* made by forhike *
* *
* This script will convert any orignal image *
* To a fully patched SIM 2.01 image *
* *
Making Sure all needed files are runable
*** Files in /patcher/bin/ chmoded successfully ***
Prepairing original nfi image
*** Original NFI are now ready for patching ***
Unpacking Original NFI
machine type: dm800
extracting secondstage.gz
extracting boot
unpacking 2 (ignore errors about mknod, chown)
extracting root
unpacking 3 (ignore errors about mknod, chown)
*** Original NFI was unpacked successfully ***
Removing original Secondstage file from image
*** DMM Secondstage is whiped out ***
Downloading Secondstage-dm800-201
*** Secondstage 2.01 was downloaded successfully ***
Patching original image with Secondstage-dm800-2.01
*** Secondstage 2.01 was added successfully ***
Removing kernel from original image
*** Kernel removed successfully ***
Patched original image with vmlinux for SIM 2.01
*** New vmlinux 2.01 was added successfully ***
Building boot.jffs2 file
*** done - boot.jffs2 ***
Building root.jffs2 file
*** done - root.jffs2***
Building SIM 2.01 Patched image
Cleaning work dirs.
Your image is done and can be found in /patcher/final_patch
b.r forhike


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