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Ämne: how to install ccccam till comhem

  1. #11
    Blue button -> Addons -> Downloads (Gemini) -> Cam -> NewCS 1.67 - (bin)
    Blue button -> Addons -> Downloads (Gemini) -> Cam -> MgCamd 1.35a - complete

  2. #12
    ok found it and installed it what do i do now ?

  3. #13
    so i downloaded all 4 software programs, i have my original card in the dreabox, the channels are still blank. am i doing something wrong

  4. #14
    Donator matkohs avatar
    May 2005
    7 062
    310 gånger

    Have you select them in blue panel and restart the service?
    VVSMF (VågaVägraSmåMjukaFönster)
    Linux rules!

    VU+ Solo 4K, VU+ Solo2, 2* VU+ Solo Se, 4* VU+ Zero

  5. #15
    u mean restart the box? by just shutting it off on the remote control`? how do i see that the software is installed does it save it somewhere?

    i go to the blue panel then to addons , download (gemini Server) then cam download mgcAMD 1.35a and Newcs 1.67, than i go to cam configsdownload mgcamd-config and newcs config, it says installed, than i go to exit shut off the box by remote control and try the channel. i have some channels svt1 etc... but not the coded channels. i have a comhem large now.

    it finds all the channels the only thing is its blank,

  6. #16
    the comhem large that i got when i put the card into the origanl box i have all the large package channels when i put it into the dreambox there is only like4-5 channels, not even the large package i can see

  7. #17
    i think you should stick to your original comhem reciver.

  8. #18


    you really need to read about dreambox and how it works.

    ¨Blue Button -> (left or right arrow on remote) -> mgcamd / newcs then hit the green button to restart cam.

  9. #19
    am gonna try from the beginning , flash it again and download all the software and try it again. hopefully everything works out

  10. #20
    Did you do what JJay said?

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