Well m8.. i dident need 3 pages of trial end error before my box was up and running, cant you tell us the purpose for your dreambox? These boxes are not for all and a litle bit of linux knowledge is not to bad to have when u start.

The reason your box is behaving like this is probably coz ur ssl got broken in a bad flash. Try to recover it with a nullmodem cabel and dreamup. You have got like 3pages of advice on how to get your legit comhem card to work in the box.

When u have installed newcs and mgcamd its should automagicaly decode your channels if u have the card in the box. The chip should be faced down.

After u have got all of those programs installed in the box and u still dont have any picture on the tv try to start mgcamd and newcs manually with telnet. Its gonna give you a log in the terminal window saying whats wrong and what not.

Summary: Reflash with dreamup, install decoding tools, start programs manually, post config files here.

b.r razorx