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Ämne: Streaming från dator till Azbox


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  1. #1

    Streaming från dator till Azbox

    Jag undrar hur man streamar video och musik från dator till Azboxen?

    Jag är inte så kunnig på detta.Men behöver svar vad jag ska skriva in i azboxen och hur man gör på datorn. Om det finns någon snäll, som orkar skriva allt


  2. #2
    Oct 2007
    8 gånger
    Enklast är att dela ut en mapp på din dator och ansluta via AZBoxens nätverksmeny.

  3. #3
    Apr 2010
    1 727
    105 gånger
    Stulit detta från en amerikansk AZBOX-sida: (, sida 2)

    How to stream stuff from your PC with XP to AZbox HD

    With Windows XP it's dead simple to make various folders visible, to your AZbox HD!

    Start your Windows Explorer > go to the main folders or even whole partitions you want shared > right click on them -> Sharing and Security, then gave the rights -> Allow to be shared. I also went to > Customise and > Apply the template to all sub-folders -> Apply and -> OK.

    Then - just in case - I went a bit "lower" and repeated the whole thing to the Music, Video and Photo folders, one by one, and – lo & behold - NTFS or not, firewall or not, who cares - all the movies and other media files are playable, in AZbox HD, using its Multimedia Player!!!

    How do you do it? If you press the HOME button on your remote and go to -> Movies, for instance, you will be able to navigate to the folders you just enabled to be shared and watch a movie on your AZbox HD. Or listen to the Music in your music Menu or pictures in your Photos Menu...

    We are still waiting for various limits to be removed - for all multimedia files, mind... Photos have the max resolution of 1920 x 1080 and so on... Apparently, a new Chief Programmer should focus Opensat engineers' attention to various bugs, in the bid to finally get the FW 1.0. Ahem...

    Streaming from PC/Laptop with Vista -> to AZbox HD

    Start -> Control Panel -> Programs and Features -> Turn Windows Features on or off -> here I added/installed anything even remotely connected with whatever I need to use for AZbox HD and Multimedia [Telnet Server & Client, TFTP Client, Services for NFS and whatever else you find interesting...],

    Start -> Control Panel -> Network and Sharing Centre -> then, here allow:

    Network Discovery
    File Sharing
    Media Sharing

    So, those to ON!!!!
    The rest to OFF.

    At the bottom of that page click on
    "Show me all the files and folders I am sharing".

    Now, go to a partition or a folder or a file you wan to "share" -> right click -> Properties -> Sharing -> Advanced Sharing -> Share This Folder -> Permissions -> Everyone [only "Read" is enough, from all the options there] -> Apply -> OK.

    Security -> Everyone.

    Customise -> All items -> choose/tick "Also apply this template to all subfolders" -> Apply -> OK or Close, whatever's there...

    AZbox HD remote: HOME -> Movies -> .. -> Network -> find your Home Network, then your PC, then the partition/folder where your films are stored and choose...

    The same for Music -> find your music or Photos -> find them [not all will work, mind, as there are some limitations still... waiting for the good programmers to sort it all out... and to stop stretching our photos, too...].

    Berätta gärna om det fungerar.

    Skall fungera med UDP, men har inte förstått hur det funkar.

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