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Ämne: Hjälp alla cams borttagna från Gemini server


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  1. #1
    jag har aldrig lagt in det manuellt så det blir så mycket jobbigare att nu sätta mig ner IGEN och plugga

  2. #2
    Apr 2005
    1 gånger
    Från IhaD teamet:

    Hello User,

    the IhaD is setting the direction for a save future.

    After a long check of the legal conditions according the digital copyright, we decided that there will be no support for any softcam no more. This also includes the homesharing area.

    We tolerated this situation for a long time with lots of concern and have been discussing this procedure internally for about a year.

    The past showed that many people are not regarding our board rules and are seeking for internet sharing support. This situation has to end right now.

    Our servers are based in Germany - which we don't want to change -, therefore we are lying under german jurisdiction.

    In our opinion there are many more interesting areas surrounding the Dreambox than this. Many people are developing in good diversity here at the IhaD which prooves that fact.

    We don't want to endanger the service of the IhaD and decided to act like that.

    The areas involved to this decision will be deleted beginning from now on. Furthermore, there will be no automatic download of cams via BluePanel.

    We are sure that you still will have fun and support at the IhaD and are going to support our decision.

    Thank you,
    your IhaD-Team

  3. #3
    är det någon som vet var man kan ladda ner cam och cam-config filer ifrån???

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