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Ämne: Någon som har erfarenhet av Clarke Tech ET-9000

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  1. #12
    Seniormedlem bpls avatar
    Feb 2008
    23 gånger
    Nope COMMONINTERFACEASSIGNMENT är det inte. Vet inte hur det ser ut i den imagen du kör. Det kan ju vara så att det inte finns cammar att ladda ner då de flesta image grupper har tagit bort dessa från nedladdnings-menyerna.

    På de flesta images brukar cam-nedladdning komma upp om man trycker på blå-knapp på fjärren. Navigera runt i menyerna och leta. Start av softcam brukar också finnas under blå-knapp.

    New VIX Image ET9000 - v2.2.100
    21/07/2011 - Open ViX 2.2.100 
    Based on Open PLi 2.0 
    From VIX Team
    Enigma: 21-07-2011.
    Enigma Plugins: 21-07-2011.
    GCC Version: 4.4.4.
    Kernel Version: 2.6.18.
    Drivers: 2011-06-25.
    If you wish to perform an online update, then you will be able to upgrade your v2.2 image to v2.2.1 via the online functions. This full image is available for those who do not have online functionality on their box, or wish to perform a full reflash...
    Team ViX Enchancements
    New Features
    BackupManager - Lets you create scheduled backups of your system files (not full Image like Image Manager).
    RestoreWizard - This a wizard that detects and restores you backup (created with BackupManager), with option to restore your extra plugins.
    ImageManager - Major code rewrite, now handled by Job task, view progress of image creation in extension list (blue button)
    ViX Menu - Added PackageManagement & Software Update, so SoftwareManager is now not needed. It is also now translatable into different languages.
    NetworkInadyn - Add new network setup screen Inadyn.
    OScam/CCam Info - Added options to show in Extension List. (the Menu item will now only show IF the softcam is installed).
    OnlineVersionCheck - Added option to disable online check by setting check value to '0' and set a maximun timer to 48 hours.
    Recording List - Added a new option in MovieList Settings to use a "Slim" list like the "Slim" Channel slection screen.
    EPG Graphical - This is now in core, no longer a plugin (was ViXEPG), added the option to show Bouquets on launch.
    EPG Menu - Add Load/Save item, this allow you reload/save the EPG cache.
    E2-Plugin's - Updated all to plugin's to the latest GIT from PLi.
    ZAP Timer - This will create a zap timer (rather than a recording timer) for the selected event in the EPG/Single EPG etc. To activate this, select the event from the EPG, and do a long button press on the record button. This is a non-configurable timer, so will use all defaults, and just set the record to a zap, rather than a record. When adding a zap timer, the clock icon will show on the previous event. This is to do with the pre-start timer.
    SwapManager - Code cleanup, for better activation/detecion.
    About Screen - Updated infomation screen, better layout, more information. VFD now shows image version.
    EPG Search - Fix a bug where the yellow button just opened a blank EPGSearch screen instead of actually perfoming a search on the current event. Also, added 'Show History' to long yellow button press whilst in EPGSearch.
    EPG Cache - Updated so now it does not require 2 reboots in order to use new location.
    EventView - Fix GS on opening Similar List.
    PluginBrowser - fix it not installing picons.
    ShoutCast - Fixed plugin.
    SoftcamManager - Add Timercheck for OScam to support no username or password in Webif, fix GS when pressing coloured buttons, if no softcams installed, also code clean up.
    Translation - Updated NL language files.
    [B]Permantent TimeShift fix and embed PTS.
    Updated KeyMap - Fixes a few MoviePlayer remote control issues.
    ViX HD skin - PNG fix for selected items in lists, Tweaked the Jobview screen, 'New Online Version' icon now flashes to remind you of an update.
    VIXEPG fix - The < > keys for jumping +/- 1 day.
    NetworkBrowser - fix GS when creating CIFS mounts.
    RemoteSetup fix GS when showCoolTVGuide is selected.
    Button Mappings
    Short Red** & *** - Show current channel EPG info (ViX Single EPG).
    Long Red*** - Show current event.
    Short Green** & *** - Timers.
    Long Green*** - AutoTimer Timers.
    Short Yellow*** - EPG Search.
    Long Yellow*** - IMDB Database.
    Short Blue - Extensions.
    Long Blue*** - Plugins Menu.
    EPG - Opens ViX EPG.
    Left/Right** - Opens ViX QuickEPG.
    Left/Right** - Opens ViX QuickEPG.
    Up/Down** - Open Full Screen Channel List.
    Long Up/Down** - Open Simple TV List.
    TV Button** - Open Full Screen Channel List.
    Long TV Button - Open Bouquets List.
    ** Can be changed in ViX Menu
    *** Can be turned off in ViX Menu
    Known Bugs
    Second subtitles in AVI, MP4 etc often need a stepskip to enable them to show up.
    Shoutcast has no genrelists and menu is not working.
    Senast redigerad av bpl den 2011-07-29 klockan 11:11.
    | DM500S - OpenPLi | T55 - 0.8W 4.8E 13E 19.2E |


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