Jag är ingen fullfjädrad linuxexpert, men genom att följa den här utmärkta guiden var det inga problem att installera E2 på USB-sticka.
1. Boot your DGS image, wait to full boot.
2. Insert your USB stick
3. Telnet to your box, execute mount
4. In the list check - if the /dev/sdb1 is mounted (if is FAT probably is mounted to /mnt/usb/usb0)
5. umount it - umount /mnt/usb/usb0
6. now execute fdisk /dev/sdb (not sdb1)
7. on the prompt press p - to see current partition table
8. press d - to delete partitions, if it is only one proceed, if not - press d again and delete all partitons
9. press p again - there will be no partitons now
10. Press n - to create new partition
11. select p - primary
12. select 1
13. press enter, enter
14. press w to write changes & exit
15. You have just created linux partition on your usb stick
16. Now format this partition - mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb1
17. mount formatted partition again - mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb/usb0
18. Now ftp e2 tar.gz to /mnt/usb/usb0
19. execute cd /mnt/usb/usb0
20. execute tar -zxvf e2image.tar.gz, wait few minutes to decompress all. (wait for prompt)
21. after decompress type, sync
 (alternative mode change ext3 to ext2 in the above text)