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Ämne: Funcard 6 in 1?


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  1. #1

    Funcard 6 in 1?

    I got a question about funcard:
    When I download and extract the file I only have these files:


    But which file is which file, I mean there should be a program/data file, only data file, ext. eeprom.
    I know that "Eeprom-external-funcard.hex" is the ext. eeprom file but what about the rest?
    I think that "new-Flash-AT90S8515-V4_4.hex" is the program/data file. But what about the only data file??

    //hope u can help me, thanx for answering..

  2. #2
    Most of Xin1 files only have 2 files, flash and ext-ee, so then you program your card, just skip the int-ee part

    BTW doesn't the "readme.txt" explain what it is?

  3. #3
    No actually it doesn't explain anything at all..
    By the way when I program my card I cannot get the channels to work?
    I got an Irdeto-modul with a funcard which I program myself..
    I program menbed 6 in 1 on it.. That works but when I put the card in the reciever it writes that it doesn't accept the card..? :-(

    Please help me..

    //thanx for answering..

  4. #4
    Sorry m8, but I know almost nothing about Irdeto cams, it's not much in use up here in Scandinavia.

    But when you get that message it usually mean that the cam doesn't communicate with the card at all (wrong encrytion,bad programed, and so on)

    Does the cam work at all in your STB
    Has the cam work with any other typ of files?
    Has the cam 1.06 patch?
    Is your files designed for Irdeto cam?

    Try to download new files

  5. #5
    Vad har detta med Boxer att göra?

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