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Ämne: Inaktivera fjärrkontroll på DM800


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  1. #1
    Medlem piphalus avatar
    May 2007
    24 gånger
    Så här väljer man sändkanal på dreambox fjärren som fungerar tillsammans med openpli plugin multirc (Multi RemoteContro,l Multi dreambox RC layer setup).
    More info

    And the procedure in english:

    WARNING: be careful. Don't mistype anything. If you mistyped something, disconnect the battery for a short moment
    instead of continuing.

    Please note that these instructions are ONLY FOR THE BIG RCU (DM70xx), not for the smaller ones.

    First, you need to "unlock" the RC. This must be done in the following way:

    1.) press the Dream-key (the upper one)
    2.) press shift (next to the power button) until the RCU blinks two times,
    3.) now, without mistyping, enter the following numbers: 9 - 8 - 2

    now the RC has to blink four times. If it blinks only two times, the RC was already unlocked (and is now locked),
    so just repeat the procedure.

    mvh piphalu

    Now you can choose the "level":

    1.), 2.) like above,
    3.) Press the following keys: 0 - 0 - 3 - 1 for level 1,
    OR 0 - 0 - 3 - 2 for level 2,
    OR 0 - 0 - 3 - 3 for level 3,
    OR 0 - 0 - 3 - 4 for level 4,

    now the RC has to blink two times. if it blinks only one time, the RC was not unlocked.

    now you can lock the RC (with the procedure above) again if you like.

    Please note: You are doing this on your own. If you mistype anything, you can set options which cannot be reset
    without a cable to the PC. If you only use 982 and 003x, nothing can happen, but be careful.

  2. #2
    Medlem piphalus avatar
    May 2007
    24 gånger
    Har du den nya fjärren med belysning så byter du kanal med micro-switcharna underbatteri luckan
    sw 1 sw 2
    off off = layer 1
    on off = layer 2
    off on = layer 3
    on on = layer 4

    Lycka är mer än en dreambox

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