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Ämne: Vu+ player


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  1. #1
    Apr 2013
    34 gånger
    Var rädd om den där nu !!!

    As you may have noted, Vu+ Player for Android is not any longer available on Google Play. Since its removal, I have received an overwhelming amount of e-mails asking me from where it can be downloaded along with the usual bug reports, feature requests and questions for support and so forth. Since my free time is limited, I simply don’t have the time required to reply to all these e-mails, even if I wished I could do so. Therefore, here is an update from me.

    Vu+ Player has become a very feature rich and stable app since its first release and since Vu+ first contacted me, nearly 3 years ago, asking me to develop the app for them. It was the first app to support an internal video player and to support transcoding . The user-interface was controversial since it did not adhere to standard Android design although the user-interface has always been one of those features which users have told us they appreciate the most due to its simplicity and ease of use. We have implemented mutual ideas but also feature requests from you users. Some time ago Vu+ Player reached a milestone with more than 100000 active installations. Nor I or Vu+ would never have thought we would achieve such a success and reach out to so many users when we first started this project.

    My collaboration with Vu+ has now come to an end unless plans are changed in the future. I have sent Vu+ an updated version of Vu+ Player which addresses some incompatibly issues with Lollipop but not all open issues have unfortunately been resolved. To know if and when and where this update will be published (and the future of Vu+ Player), you will need to contact directly Vu+ or watch out for announcements here on the forums or their webpage.

    That said, I wish to thank:

    -Vu+ for the mutual collaboration in the last years and their professionalism in general. I wish them all the best with their future endeavors.

    -all the image teams with whom I have worked closely in the past years during the development of Vu+ Player. With no special orders, my thanks go to Black Hole, OpenVIX, VTi and OpenPLI and their members.

    -all the beta-testers (you know who you are!)

    -two beta-testers who unfortunately are not with us anymore, namely BigED and paolino from the BH-team and the Vu+ Community forum. Rest in peace!

    -all you users who downloaded and installed Vu+ Player on your devices. I hope you are enjoying the app just as much as I have enjoyed developing it for Vu+

    What regards me, I am currently concentrating on iOS development although I hope I will finally find the necessary time to update my Android app AndroidDreamer which was among the first app which permitted streaming in LAN and remotely. It has not been updated for nearly 3 years but is still used by thousands of users and has lots of room for improvement.

    My best wishes to you all for the upcoming holiday season.

    Take care and kind regards,

    tilleke (aka moster67)
    Senast redigerad av nyburgare den 2014-12-29 klockan 14:01. Anledning: fylla

  2. #2
    ComHit Crew atomizeds avatar
    Feb 2004
    9 231
    1 084 gånger
    Den finns att ladda ner från Vu+ sida också:

    Det skiljer lite på storleken på filerna om man laddar ner från apk-downloader eller Vu+. Jag har inte hunnit kolla om det ev. är olika versioner.

    Hmm, det var inte helt enkelt att klura ut versionsnr av apk-filer. Men vad jag kan konstatera är att filerna i paketet från Vu+ siten är nyare än filerna i paketet från apk-downloader. Så antagligen finns den nyaste versionen på Vu+ site.
    Senast redigerad av atomized den 2014-12-29 klockan 15:03.
    Har du frågor om hur man gör, ställ dem i forumet! Skicka inte PM till mig!
    Använd SÖK i forumet. LÄS Guider och Wikis. Testa!!

  3. #3
    ok, tack ska ni ha

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