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  1. #1


    Hittade detta i ett annat forum:



    This program allows for the extraction of keys from a genuine Conax card.
    The method used involves reading the key update instructions passed
    between the decoder and the card for decoding the picture.

    It has been tested on Canal Satellite, Canal+

    Neccessary equipment:

    A passive season interface placed between the official card and the decoder that
    allows the data between the afforementioned to be logged.

    Une interface Phoenix, permettant de dialoguer avec la carte officielle.
    A Phoenix interface that is used to pass instructions to the official card.

    Using the program:

    Open a DOS box and switch to the directory containing KeyExtractor.
    The command line arguments are as follows:

    KeyExtractor [Logger serial port [Phoenix serial port [Baud rate [frequency]]]]

    Logger serial port: port number that the season interface is connected to.

    Phoenix serial port: port number that the Phoenix interface is connected to.

    Baud rate = Logger serial port speed

    frequency = The clock frequency of the Phoenix interface (should be 3579000Hz).

    The default values are:

    KeyExtractor 1 2 9600 3579000


    In the first phase the program creates a log of the data exchanges between the
    card and the decoder. At any time it is possible to pause the logging process
    by hitting a key to verify whether any EMMs have been logged. It is then possible
    to continue logging or to continue to the key extraction phase.

    In the second phase, the card is used to decode the EMMs and extract the keys.

    The results are contained in the file INFO.TXT.

    ************************************************** ************************************************

    Version 1.1

    Here are the changes:
    1) The program no longer requires the 2 phases to be run consecutively.
    A menu allows you to choose the required phase.
    The EMMs are logged in the files of type EMM02_81_4E.COD
    The decoding phase reads all the files with the extension .COD.

    2) The results are contained in two different files :
    CARDINFO.TXT contains information specific to that card.
    KEYS.TXT contains the keys that are extracted.

    3) Si un fichier REMOTE.CFG est présent dans le męme répertoire, les clés sont
    aussi fournies dans le format SECA REMOTE (mise ā jour par la télécommande).
    Ce fichier doit contenir la liste des idents des entités présentes dans la carte

    Exemple :

    Il existe un autre type de codage par télécommande, plus concis (6 chiffres au lieu de 9),
    utilisé par le logiciel SECANIX, mais je ne connais pas le form


    Kan det vara nåt tro?

  2. #2

    Bullshit skulle jag vilja säga.

    Public key encryption has some rather useful properties. Since the decryption key cannot practically be derived from the encryption key, the latter may as well be public knowledge, hence the more common term: ``public key''. If this is done, then anyone can encrypt data with that key. The corresponding decryption key is kept private, hence the term ``private key''; only the possessor(s) of that key can decrypt the encrypted data. Thus: if each person has a public key published in a directory, anyone may send that person a private message. No-one else, not even the author, can decrypt that message because they do not have and cannot derive the corresponding private key. There is no necessity to exchange keys ahead of time as there would be if conventional encryption were used

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