undash jag kan hålla med lite om att det kanske var fel att inte ge någon yterligare information MEN man lär sig mer när man söker själv (pedagogik från min sida till andra) AHA upplevelsen får man då och lär sig på djupet istället för på ytan som är borta nästa dag... Jag lade även upp detta script på vkeys där jag hänvisar till en sida där man kan titta lite mera. Det kompletta scriptet har även inställningar för conax. Ni som får timeout kan testa detta istället.
/rsacas5 Masken
'Instruction 26 analyze for ComHem-Card(SW2=11) VB Script File - Created 2004-02-03 by Masken.
'Immediately after the ATR is received, instruction 26 is sent to the card indicating that
'the CAM needs to be setup before any further traffic. This instruction also
'includes the version of the host.
'For further information about conax go see http://www.websamba.com/ConaxWonderland/

Dim menuFlag

Dim CheckSmartcardSettings

Call SmartcardSettings

Sub Main()
sc.write ("DD 26 00 00 03")
sc.read (1)
sc.write ("10 01 40")
sc.read (2)
sc.write ("DD CA 00 00 11")
sc.read (2)
sc.read (18********* ta bort***** förbannade smilies hehehe*****)
End Sub

Sub SmartcardSettings()
ComPort = Sc.InputBox("Phoenix-interface on port? ", "Config Com Port", 1)
If ComPort = "" Then
CheckSmartcardSettings = 1
Exit Sub
End If
Sc.Print (vbCr & "- config WinExplorer..." & vbCr)
Wx.CommPort = "com" & ComPort & ":"
Wx.BaudRate = 9600
Wx.ResetBaudRate = 9600 ' Baudrate **01**
Wx.Parity = 2 ' 0 = None, 1 = Odd, 2 = Even, 3 = Mark, 4 = Space
Wx.StopBits = 2 ' 0 = 1 stop bit, 1 = 1.5 stop bits, 2 = 2 stop bits
Wx.DTRControl = 1 ' Initial state of DTR 0 = off, 1 = on
Wx.RTSControl = 0 ' Initial state of RTS 0 = off, 1 = on

Wx.ResetDelay = 1000 ' In microseconds
Wx.ByteDelay = 6000 ' In microseconds
Wx.RxByteTimeout = 200 ' In milliseconds
Wx.ResetMode = 1 ' 0 = No Resets, 1 = ISO Reset (Expect a ATR), 2 = Device Reset (No ATR)
Wx.ResetLine = 0 ' 0 = Toggle RTS for Reset, 1 = Toggle DTR for Reset
Wx.ByteConvention = 1 ' 0 = Inverse, 1 = Direct
Wx.FlushEchoByte = 1 ' 0 = no flush, 1 = flush - A Phoenix interface will echo each byte transmitted.
Wx.FlushBeforeWrite = 1 ' 0 = no flush, 1 = flush - Flush the receive buffer before each write to strip off Null bytes.
Wx.IgnoreTimeouts = 1 ' 0 = Abort script on a receive timeout, 1 = Ignore all receive timeouts
Wx.ResetAfterTimeout = 0 ' 0 = Don't reset after a timeout, 1 = do a reset after a timeout - Not used if "IgnoreTimeouts=0"
Wx.LogTransactions = 0 ' 0 = Don't log transactions, 1 = log transactions
Wx.DisplayUSW = 0 ' Display USW after script complete 0 = no, 1 = yes
Wx.DisplayFuse = 0 ' Display Fuse after script complete 0 = no, 1 = yes
End Sub